Clownfish Tank Mates for 30-Gallon Tank

Clownfish Tank Mates for 30-Gallon Tank

There are hundreds of different kinds of saltwater aquarium fish. Some are quite difficult to care for and are best left to experienced marine aquarists. Beginners have a lot to choose from, though. Remember to buy tank-raised fish whenever possible. Damselfish, which belong to the same family as clownfish, are popular because they are hardy. … Read more

What Do Gouramis Eat, and How Often Should I Feed Them?

What Do Gouramis Eat?

Most of the Gouramis are omnivores by nature, feeding under natural conditions on various bite-size aquatic creatures such as crustaceans, aquatic insects and larvae, small fishes, algae, and other living things that happen to come their way. As with most omnivore aquarium fishes, their number one choice in the aquarium is living food similar to … Read more

Can Angelfish Live in Cold Water? Do I Need to Add a Heater to the Tank?

Angelfish in tank

The temperature of even equatorial jungle streams and rivers fluctuates more than one might imagine, and for this reason, angelfish have a considerable range of temperatures which to them are tolerable. While the extremes at either the high or low temperatures should be avoided if possible, especially for extended periods of time, they can be … Read more

What Do Clownfish Eat, and How Often Do They Need to Eat?

Clownfish food

After good water quality, feeding is probably the next most important aspect in keeping clownfish healthy. There is an overwhelming number of different fish foods available including frozen, dry, freeze-dried, and live foods. Clownfish are omnivores, they can eat a variety of foods. It is best to feed frozen food as a staple and use … Read more

26 Anabantoids Fish Species – Gourami, Betta, Paradise Fish, and More

Dwarf Gourami

SIAMESE FIGHTING FISH Betta splendens Distribution: Southeast Asia, centered on Thailand but the precise natural distribution of these fish is unclear, because they have been introduced to many separate localities in the region. The discovery of closely related species in Thailand supports the view that the original natural distribution of these fish was relatively small, … Read more

11 Best Aquarium Plants for Guppies

Best Aquarium Plants for Guppies

Tall bushy varieties are best used as background plants in the rear corners of guppies’ tank and along the back. They can be arranged in front of heaters, filter tubes, air hoses, and box filters so that they hide these unsightly items. Other varieties of shorter plants can be placed in front of the background … Read more

Do Goldfish Needs Live Plants?

Do Goldfish Needs Live Plants

The basic needs of a goldfish are oxygen, food, and shelter. Aquatic plants can provide all three. Do Goldfish needs live plants? Why are plants important? Although, with the selected diet you’ll be giving your goldfish, and with a proper filtration and aeration system, food and oxygen are insignificant contributions of aquarium plants. They need … Read more

Foxface Fish Care: Are they reef-safe fish?

Foxface Fish Care

Do you want to keep a Foxface in your reef tank and learn some tips and tricks on what they need to thrive? if you do keep reading. The Foxface fish is one of the favorite reef tank fish. They are typically known as Rabbitfish which is because their mouths resemble a hare or rabbit. … Read more