Albino Rainbow Shark, a Complete Guide

Albino Rainbow Shark, a Complete Guide

In our tank, to have a pleasant aquarium at our home, there must be various species present. One family of species in a tank can be dull to look at, especially if there is an absence of decorations. If you are a newbie in terms of fishkeeping, we would want to have a lively tank. … Read more

Can Tadpoles Live With Goldfish?

Can Tadpoles Live With Goldfish?

Do you want to upgrade your pond by adding another set of species? Utilizing a pond instead of a home aquarium saves time and money. They don’t require that much maintenance as long as important stuff is present in your pond, such as plants. However, before adding a new species into your pond, you must … Read more

Do Dojo Loaches Eat Shrimp or Snails?

Do Dojo Loaches Eat Shrimp or Snails?

Dojo loaches, also called Pond Loaches or Weather Loaches are one of the best types of fish you can put in your fish tank.  They are very fun to look at as they are super friendly and active most of the time. They also have a unique look that you won’t find in any other … Read more

Do Fish Get Bored in the Aquarium?

Do Fish Get Bored in an Aquarium?

A quarantine is worse for people who don’t have enough entertainment or things to do at home. People feel bored for the reason that they are already familiar with the surrounding, there is nothing new to see, you already read the books available and played every game. Identical to fishes, they are feeling bored, too. … Read more

Best Jewel Cichlid Tank Mates

Best Jewel Cichlid Tank Mates

Jewel cichlids are fun freshwater fish that don’t get nearly enough of the recognition that they deserve. All things considered, they are pretty popular in theory but actually seeing them in the tank of hobbyists is another story. This is because jewel cichlids are considered to be somewhat aggressive. Don’t let that scare you away … Read more