What Is the Difference Between Guppy and Betta?

What Is the Difference Between Guppy and Betta?

One of the most common questions we get is what is the difference between guppy and betta? This article will answer that question for you! Guppies and bettas are both very popular aquarium fish. But, some people do not know the difference between them. The easiest way to recognize them is by the tail fin. … Read more

Tricks to Teach Your Betta Fish: Follow Finger & Jumping Through Hoop

Betta fish tricks

Betta fish can actually learn some easy tricks. Similar to dogs, they can be taught specific acts with food as an incentive. Below are 3 tricks you can teach your betta. Remember, do not overfeed your betta. You can practice these tricks around mealtime so you won’t feed too many treats throughout the day. These tricks will need to be … Read more

Betta Fish Anatomy, Facts and Breathing

Betta Fish Anatomy Facts and breathing

It may seem like an exaggeration, however, knowing specific details about bettas including anatomy, facts, and breathing details will help you become a better caretaker. Gaining this knowledge will allow you to provide a great life for your fish pets. It is a sad sight, walking into pet sections of stores and seeing hundreds of … Read more