How Often Do Goldfish Need Feeding? Best Goldfish Food&Types of Food

How Often Feed Goldfish

There is much more to feeding your goldfish than you may realize. It is important that you follow specific guidelines, as well as understand that you can’t just feed your fish anything when you feel like it. It’s not that goldfish are picky creatures; on the contrary, the reason is that goldfish are actually pigs … Read more

Molly Fish Temperature, Water Parameters, and pH Level

Orange molly fish

With the wide variety of colors and types of mollies available, it is no wonder that the Molly fish is such a widespread species among fish keepers. Molly Fish Temperature Mollies are a tropical fish and will typically require a heater as they need their water to be kept at stable temperatures between the range … Read more

Betta and Shrimp in a 10-Gallon Tank, and Betta Tank Mates for 10-Gallon

Betta with Shrimp

Bettas are pretty solitary creatures. They don’t typically like to be around their own kind, much less a bunch of other fish. That’s not to say you can’t have happy, healthy betta in a community tank, but there are definitely considerations. I’d guess that most people are going to have a betta tank on the … Read more

Angelfish Food – The Best Food for Angelfish

Food for Angelfish

The Angelfish (scientifically known as Pterophyllum) is a small genus of freshwater fish from the Cichlidae family. The Angelfish originates from the Amazon Basin, Orinoco Basin, and various other rivers located in tropical South America. Angelfish have laterally compressed and round bodies with elongated triangular dorsal and anal-fin. This elongated and thin body shape allows … Read more

9 Best Cold Water Pond Fish

Coldwater Aquarium Fish

Coldwater fish don’t need a heater in your home or in your pond and can still thrive. Changing in water temperature can trigger spawning behavior. Diet for those fish can be pellets and live foods.

Substrate Spawners Cichlids and Mouthbrooding Cichlids

Substrate Spawners Cichlids and Mouthbrooding Cichlids

Cichlids are a fascinating group of fish to breed because, as far as we know, all species practice brood care of some sort. They are usually divided into two main groups: mouthbrooders and substrate-spawners. However, things are nowhere near as clear-cut as this, since these two main categories can be subdivided depending on who cares … Read more