Gourami Bubble Nest – Breeding, and Common Gourami Species

Gourami Bubble Nest

Gouramis have evolved several different breeding strategies. Some species lay their eggs and move on with no care for the young. Other species build nests out of bubbles on the surface (some species’ eggs float; other species’ eggs sink), other species produce hidden, submerged bubble nests, and still, others are themselves nests, carrying their eggs … Read more

Ideal Water Conditions For Discus Fish: tds, Temperature, pH & Hardness

Water Conditions For Discus Fish

In order for discus to thrive and develop properly, a well-planned aquarium set-up with good water parameters should be utilized. It is impractical to duplicate the backwaters of the South American rivers, but an adequate substitute can be provided. Do discus need daily water changes? Discus do exceptionally well with a frequent water change since … Read more

Malawi Cichlids Water Parameters | Temperature, pH and GH

Malawi Cichlids Water Parameters

pH: 7.5-8.5 Hardness: 15-25°dGH Temperature: 24-26°C (75-79°F) Food: Flake, bloodworm, pellet foods How many cichlids in the tank: Overstock the aquarium to reduce aggression. Start with less aggressive species. Minimum Tank Size: 90 cm (36 in) Environment: Clean, well-filtered water. Open swimming space, plus rock work for caves and hiding spaces. Ideal conditions For Malawi … Read more

Tetra Fish: All Tetra Species

Tetra Fish

Most of the Tetras are native to the Rio Negro and Orinoco Rivers in the Amazon Basin. The water is usually very clear, slow-moving and plants are present. You should try to replicate their habitat by providing gentle flow and some plants to hide in. Live plants oxygenate the water, remove nitrates and act as … Read more

What Kind of Food Do Tiger Barb Fish Eat?

Barb Fish

Among the many virtues, the barb fish offers the amateur aquarist is its amenability to a wide variety of foods. Since barbs will eat almost anything offered to them, dry food, which is readily accepted, may be given several times a week. Here are some of the foods that barb fish eat: Tubifex Earthworms Beef … Read more

Discus Fish Diseases and Treatment

Discus Fish Diseases and Treatment

Throughout the course of their lives, discus fish are likely to fall ill at one time or another. While the disease cannot be completely avoided, keeping water quality in the tank high and providing a healthy, varied diet can help keep discus fish healthy. In the event that discus fish do fall ill, however, it … Read more

Will Otocinclus Eat Zucchini? Dietary Requirements for This Catfish

Will Otocinclus Eat Zucchini? Dietary Requirements for This Catfish

Do you have a new planted aquarium that’s covered in brown diatom algae? Then Otocinclus Catfish may be your next best friend. Keep reading as I share how I keep them happy, healthy, and their dietary requirements – will Otocinclus eat zucchini? Even though Otocinclus catfish are purported to be these fantastic algae eaters and … Read more

Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid – Apistogramma Cacatuoides: Care and Breeding

Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid

This article is about raising and fertilizing one of the most popular dwarf cichlids. That is Cockatoo dwarf cichlid. This article is appropriate for the amateur and anyone who wants to learn about this fish before getting starting. How we raise them until they will have the next generation. Recommended Tank Parameters For Cockatoo Dwarf … Read more