Can Redtail Catfish Live In a Pond?

Can Redtail Catfish Live In a Pond?

A massive and rapidly growing freshwater fish, Redtail fish can live for more or less 15 years depending on the care provided, outreach 2 ft. in a span of 2 years. In fact, the largest red tail reached 63 inches (1.6 m) seen on the Amazon River.  Among all the other kinds of catfish, this … Read more

11 Aquarium Fish That Like a Strong Current, and Fast-Moving Water

What Aquarium Fish Like a Strong Current and Fast-moving Water?

If you love taking care of fishes, particularly when you own an aquarium at home, you should be aware of the proper flow rate of your aquarium’s filter. In that way you can minimize arising damage such as having dead zones, no need for frequent cleaning for it will linger longer and an environment that … Read more

Are Zebra Danio Compatible With Neon Tetras?

Are Zebra Danios Compatible With Neon Tetras?

Neon tetras and zebra danio can live together peacefully in a colorful tank. They are unique species that provide colorful life for your aquarium. Freshwater fishes such as neon tetra and zebras significantly promote health benefits for you as the owner and it is hard to ignore their stunning features. Danios and Tetras Compatibility Tetras … Read more

Can I Put a Pygmy Corydoras with a Betta Fish?

Pygmy Corydoras with a Betta Fish

This type of Corydoras has something going for it, that is a lot different than the other types of Corydoras. The pygmy Cory only grows to around one inch long, and that makes it possible for you to keep these fish in a smaller nano-sized aquarium tank. Most other Corydoras in catfish, grow to a … Read more

Fancy Goldfish – Tank Setup and Tank Size

Fancy Goldfish and Tank Setup

First, you’re probably wondering the difference between a fancy goldfish and a regular goldfish, or what the heck makes it a fancy goldfish per se. There are two main distinguishing factors between a fancy and a regular. First is the tail type, the single tail versus the double tail. A fancy goldfish is known as … Read more

How To Breed Tomato Clownfish?

Of all the fish in the saltwater aquarium hobby, few are as popular and in demand as the Tomato Clownfish especially among those who are new to saltwater fishkeeping. The craze for this fish began with the launch of the ‘Finding Nemo’ animated movie series but this craze was sustained because it is a relatively … Read more

All About Golden Monkey Flowerhorn & Best Tank Mates for This Fish

Golden Monkey Flowerhorn

Flowerhorns are often likened to puppies because of how personable they are. They also have very unique appearances which coupled with their size make them one of the best centerpiece fish in the freshwater aquarium. Even though they may appear to be friendly from the outside, they are actually quite territorial which is why they … Read more

21 Facts about Clownfish and More a Lot of Information

Facts about Clownfish

An aquarium is a place where people keep fish and other water animals. Most people who keep aquariums choose fish that live in freshwater, but many people have saltwater, or marine, aquariums. The fish in these aquariums originally came from the ocean. The majority of the fish in saltwater aquariums are native to the warm, … Read more