Koi Types: Varieties, Colors, Feeding, Nutrition & Growth

The Complete Guide to Koi: Varieties, Colors, Feeding, Nutrition & Growth

A few fish inspire greater devotion than koi. These large ornamental carp have now established a dedicated following in the West, matching that which they enjoy in their Japanese homeland. Most Koi types were developed primarily for the beauty of their colors and patterning when viewed from above. This led to great interest in breeding … Read more

Bumblebee Goby: Tank Mates, Care, Diet, and Breeding

The Complete Bumblebee Goby Guide: Habitat, Diet and Breeding

Bumblebee gobies (Brachygobius) are suitable for those of you who cannot keep a large brackish water aquarium because they will be quite happy in a 10-20 gallons tank. Although these fishes are small, we do not recommend using anything smaller than this because it is more difficult to maintain good water conditions in a small … Read more

Guppy Species: Care Guide

Guppy Care Guide: Overview, Species, And Breeding

Guppy is one of the best known of all tropical fish, the guppy is named after Rev.Thomas Guppy, who identified it on the Caribbean island of Trinidad. The several thousand species available to aquarists today are far removed from their wild ancestors and can be found in a wide range of colors and with many … Read more

Rainbow Fish Species: Types of Small Rainbow Fish

Rainbowfish: Species, Water Conditions, and Breeding

Rainbowfishes have been known in the aquarium trade for many years. until recently only a few species have been commonly available. Of these only Telmatherina ladigesi (Celebes rainbowfish), Bedotia geayi (Madagascar rainbowfish), and Melanotaenia splendida (eastern rainbowfish) have made any real impression. The last species is often referred to as Melanotaenia nigrans but the latter … Read more

7 Brackish Water Fish – How Much Salt Do You Need for Brackish Water?

Brackish Water Fish: How Much Salt, Maintenance and Fish Species

The conditions encountered by brackish fish species living in estuaries and mangroves, where freshwater and saltwater meet, can be recreated in a brackish water aquarium. The equipment required is much the same as for freshwater aquariums, but the substrate is usually sandy, so power filters are more appropriate than undergravel systems. How Much Salt You … Read more

How To Setup Tank For Peacock Cichlid

Peacock Cichlids Tank Setup

Peacock Cichlids are a variety of fishes whose origin can be traced back to Lake Malawi, and they come in various vibrant colors. These colorful fishes are one of the most loved and praised fishes by aquarium lovers. These are the swiftest swimmers, and they hunt for food at the bottom. Their vivid colors and … Read more