How To Setup Tank For Peacock Cichlid

Peacock Cichlids are a variety of fishes whose origin can be traced back to Lake Malawi, and they come in various vibrant colors.

These colorful fishes are one of the most loved and praised fishes by aquarium lovers. These are the swiftest swimmers, and they hunt for food at the bottom.

Aulonocara Peacock Cichlid
Aulonocara Peacock Cichlid

Their vivid colors and their peaceful nature have made the people’s favorite. There are over 23 breeds of Peacock Cichlids, but only a few are available to be kept in the aquarium.

There is a hybrid variety of Peacock Cichlids which displays different color combinations. They have been the result of two different types of Peacock Cichlids’ cross-breeding.

If you want to store the peacock cichlids in your aquarium, we have you covered.

Here is a Guide to Setup Tank For Peacock Cichlids.

Understand Their Habitat

You need to understand that these fishes come from Lake Malawi. And you’ll have to provide them with similar habitat.

The water of Malawi Lake is alkaline in nature and is very clear and clean. These are the fishes that seek a pH balanced aquatic environment to grow in.

You must provide a similar atmosphere for their healthy growth. You might want to put in some rock and sand at the bottom of your aquarium.

Orange Peacock Cichlid
Orange Peacock Cichlid

This is because these fishes are familiar with rocks and sands, and these have been a part of their living condition. Replicating the Lake Malawi’s conditions and the environment is something that you’ll have to work upon.

This would ensure that the fishes are satisfied and ready for a healthy stay at your manual setup of the Lake Malawi.

The Requirements and Essentials

What is the ideal peacock cichlid tank size?

If you want to start your setup from a small tank, you would still need at least a tan big enough to capacitate at least 60 gallons of water.

You would not want your tank to be vertically big. As these fishes love to swim, and the horizontal orientation of the tank would be much beneficial.

You’ll have to provide them a habitat similar to that of their origin, and for that, you’ll have to add sand and rocks on the bed of your tank. Gravel’s use must be avoided as using it can be very dangerous and can end up cutting through the gills of your lovely fishes.

Strawberry Peacock Firefish Cichlid
Strawberry Peacock Firefish Cichlid

You’ll then have to arrange the rocks you had put at the bed of the tank to form caves, as these fishes love small caves in their surroundings.

These fishes don’t eat a plant, but they play with the plants and try to reposition them. You’ll have to plant a hardy plant to help you with this.

It is also essential for you to note that this tank size is suitable for a maximum of four females and one male. These fishes are very peaceful and believe in harmony, but it is so only till the time they live on their own.

The moment they see their habitat is being shared by someone else, they grow into territorial ones, and they want to acquire more. If you’re going to store more of them, it is advisable to go for at least a 100-gallon tank and make more caves.

Conditions to be Maintained

What is the ideal temperature for peacock cichlid?

The temperature inside the tank should not exceed 82°F and should be kept a minimum of 76°F.

This range is considered the best suitable temperature for the healthy living of peacock cichlids. This species of fishes aren’t prone to sudden temperature changes, and constant maintenance of temperature is necessary.

German Red Peacock Cichlid
German Red Peacock Cichlid

The water should have a balanced pH between levels of 7.8-8.6, which is considered the perfect pH for these fishes.

The tank should at least be of 60 gallons of capacity if the fishes are less, but if you want to keep more, you would have to go for a tank of 100-gallon capacity.

Their Diet and Feeding Process

Peacock Cichlids generally eat the insects, but they also don’t hesitate to eat plants, these omnivorous fishes are known for looking for food at the bed of the lake.

If you want to simulate the same conditions as that of the Lake Malawi, you can add a few larvae and other insects in the sandy portion of the bed.

Cichlids pellets can be used in their diets, and they can also be fed with meat and vegetables. Brine Shrimp and Daphnia are two options of meat that can be fed to these fishes.

Aulonocara Cichlid
Aulonocara Cichlid

They can also be fed with flakes; the only thing to consider is to see if it is okay to feed. Instead of feeding these fishes large courses of diet once it is advisable to feed short courses throughout the day.

Friendly Fishes That can Live Along

Even though cichlids have the reputation of being the aggressor, the peacock cichlids are very different.

Peacock Cichlids are known for their calm and peaceful nature. The best way to choose the mates for these fishes is to look at the fishes that can survive in a similar habitat.

Benga Sunshine Peacock Cichlid
Benga Sunshine Peacock Cichlid

Fishes Haplochromis, Copadichromis, and Placidochromis have their origin from the same lake and are friendly fishes to live with.

All you need to do with the peacock cichlids is to provide them with a sufficient number of caves to satisfy their territorial hunger and just relax.

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