Puffer Fish – Tankmates and Diet

Saltwater and Freshwater Puffer Fish

Puffer fish is diverse in the tropics in every corner of the world including Asia or South America and others. Therefore, modern fishkeeping is popularly practiced with puffer fish diverse species. Basically, to raise pufferfish requires many precautions for a beginner. Many species of puffer fish known to be a naturally highly aggressive freshwater fish … Read more

Tricks to Teach Your Betta Fish: Follow Finger & Jumping Through Hoop

Betta fish tricks

Betta fish can actually learn some easy tricks. Similar to dogs, they can be taught specific acts with food as an incentive. Below are 3 tricks you can teach your betta. Remember, do not overfeed your betta. You can practice these tricks around mealtime so you won’t feed too many treats throughout the day. These tricks will need to be … Read more

Betta Fish Anatomy, Facts and Breathing

Betta Fish Anatomy Facts and breathing

It may seem like an exaggeration, however, knowing specific details about bettas including anatomy, facts, and breathing details will help you become a better caretaker. Gaining this knowledge will allow you to provide a great life for your fish pets. It is a sad sight, walking into pet sections of stores and seeing hundreds of … Read more

Freshwater Hatchetfish: Species and Breeding


The hatchetfish are placed in their own family the Gasteropelecidae. They have been called freshwater flying fish because of their habit of leaping from the water to avoid danger. The name hatchet fish comes from their unusual shape, the belly is extended downwards to form a thin blade-like keel resembling a curved hatchet. This blade … Read more